THE EX .CELLENCY OF Heavenly Treafures. SERMON XVIII. M A T . vi. 21, 22. $ut lay up for your jellies Treafure in Heal!m, where neither moth nor rufl doth Corrupt, and where 'Ihitl!es do not break._ through 11or flea/: For where your Trea{ure is, there wiO your Heart be aljo. 545 THere is not a Soul in tbe World fo defi:itute and beggarly, but bath Tbt!ntrl). ! fometvhat that it may call, and doth efteem, its Treafure; not only dutlion. , he rhJt bath, as the Pfalmift fpeaks, all that his Heart can with, who . grafps jn pofiCffion whatever his Covetoufnefs and Unbounded Defires grafp in imagination; bnt he alfo that poffelfeth nothing but his own Poverty, that ba th no Abuoda,nce, but Want and Mifery, fuch a one whom you would never fuf... ped ro b~ a Ho~rdtr, _ yet hath he that, the hopes and enjoyment of which he counts frecious and his Soul't Treafurt. . · Now, in dangerous and difficult times, what is the ftrft and chief Care of every Man., . but fo to difpofe of this his Treafore, that whatever Loffe.s he may fuftain in other acoiffJry good things, that ~re but Lumber and Utenfils [O the Soul, yet hiS T reafwe may be fccured both from Corruption a~d Violence? . Our SJViQur here throws onen before our Vlew two Repofitones or common Trea{urics, vaft ones they are, wherein all the good things that ever any Man in the World enjoyed arc laid up, and they are Earth and Heaven: If you have any Treafore, as certainly every one of you "have, it muft belong to one of thefc two places; you l.illlft depofite it either on Earth or in Heaven. " Look now, fays " ChrHt, take a view of Earth'.~ Exchequer, and what fee you there? Why, there " indeed is the World's Treafure, all that mq,ny millions of Men have been ga.. " thering together, and hoarding up for feveral Ages. If now }rou would have an Inventory of all this Store, St. 'John hath exaCtly caft it up in 1 'John l. 16, and it amounts to this fum, All th~te. is in the world, faith he, i.1 the Juft of the .flt/h the tuft of the Eye, and the pride of Life: That is, there are Pleafures fuidng th; propenfion of the Flclh; there are Riches for the grecdinefs of the Eye: For~ What, faith the Wife Man, u laid up [Dr the owner.r thcrt~J/, the beholding of them with their Eye; l And there is Honour anq Dignity, that planetary airy good thing, that puffs up, that's the Pride of Life; and this is the World's" All, and that which many Thoufands' make their, Treafure. Y~a; But, faith ChrHt, do not you fee how rufty and worm· eaten thefe things are? Do ypu not fee what~ bultle there is among the Men of the World to g~t them ? One pulls and hales Z z z z . them