The Excellency of Heavenly Tr-cafores. 55 I and thou fhalt be eternally warming and cheering thy felf in that Sunlhine. There~ fore think w!th thy felf, if indeed God can be exhauftcd, if Heaven it felf can be impoverilh'd, if infinite Riche_s of·Glory can be all fpent and confumed, then~ and r:.ot rill then can thy Trtafure fazl thee; never fuall one Star of thy Crown twinkle, much.lefs !hall it ever be eclipfed: In I Ptt . 5· 4· w( foal! uceive a Crown Of Glory., thtti· Jttderh not Away;_ it fhall be for ever ~s gl?rious, orient, and flou~· i~ing as it was at its firft putung on. Indeed, Etermty w1ll be the perpetual Begmnmg of thy Happincfs. And thus n?~ you fee how fuirable this Trea~ure is .t~ the Na~u~e of d1e Soul, in that it is Sptntu~l Treafure for a Soul that IS a Spmt; and It IS Durable Trcafurc for a Soul that ts Immortal. 2. .As Hcwvtniy 'Trcafurc is fiuted to the Nature of the Soul, [o aifo to the Necr.Jlities Heavenly of rhe Sot~l .. What is it that the ?oul can fl:a?d in need of,, that it c.ann?t be 'I'r~af!!.rds fuppiied w1thal from hence? Doth It need a Pnce to redeem It? Here IS laid up fun,~le !/ the precious Blood ~f Chrift that ~as lhed for tlic Sins of J?any. .Is it _Pardon fo~,~~f · and Forgivenefs that 1~ needs? Here IS 3:bundant Mercy. Is It SanChficauon and the so.,l. Holinefs'? Here are Riches of Grace. Is It Joy and Comfort? Here are abundant the Soul wretched, and poor, and miferahle, and blind, and naked? Here is Gold to make it Rich; here is white Raiment to cloath ir, Eye-falve to recover its fi ght: indeed, there is nothing that the Soul can want or dehre,obut you may have Supplies for it from your oWn Treafure; from that Treafure that you have laid up in Heaven: See that Rich place, Phit. 4- 19. ./l.fy Godjhall fitpply 111! y our rueds, accordinJ to hi& Riches in Glory by Chrift ']efm: All your Needs, not only your Corporal Needs and Neceillties, but alfo your Spiritual Necenities. Here all E arthly 'Treafurcs falllhort; the Exigencies of the outward Man they may relieve, b11t the greateft abundance of them cannot quiet a troubled Confcience, nor ap.. peafe an angry God, nor take off the Guilt of Sin; nor can they redeem the Soul from ~ternal Wrath .; No, the Redemption of the Soul is Preciom, yea, too Precious to, ~urchafed by all thefc things, and it ceafeth for t'/Jcr. When God ftowns upon the Soul, and Confcience lours, and Hell·fire flalhes in the Face of a ')inner, how truly poor and miferable is that Man , that hath no better Support and Comfort than thefe unfuitablc things? All the World, as great as now it feems to be, w 1\l be judged too vile a Price for to procure one Minntc's Eafe. \V hat would the Soul then give for a Saviour, for a fiighted and difpifed Saviour to inter~ pofc betwixt it and 'Juftice? Believe it, then you wi ll have other Thoughts of the Favour of God, of an Intcreft in Chrift, and of this Heavenly and Spit·itnal Treafnrc, than now you have. Now, in your Peace and Profperity, poffible thefc appear to you to be no better t_han fancied Treafurcs and airy H.iches ;· but when the Days of Sorrow and Darknefs overtake you, and c.omc upon you; when God ihall drop into your Souls a little of his \Vrath and Difplea~ fore, then it will be in vain to feek Eafe from the World; all your Pleafurcs Treafures, and Enjoyments here below, they will all tell you it is not in them t~ reli.eve you; you may as well fe~k. to cure a Wound in your Flclh, ~y bying a Platfter to your Cloaths; no, It 1s Grace that can then ftand you 111 ftcad, it is that only that can reach the Neceffities of the Soul, and without this all your Riches and Treafurcs they are but dear Vanities, precious Vexations, that will ftand by, and fee you perifu, yea, ;~nd pcriJh eternally, but cannot fupply and help you. I come now to a Third thing, wherein the Excellency and Riches of this Hea~ n,,Ve'lllj venly Trcafure doth appear, and that is, becaufe they are Sat isfy ing Treafures 1feafu~eis and fo are not the Treafures of the World. Solomon himfelf when he had f~~tisfymg. reckon'd up many Items for Honours, and Pieafures, and Riches, 'yet at the bartom of the Bill, at the foot of the Account, he cafts np the total Sum by two' great .Cypher~, All is Vanity ~nd Vexation, faith he ; Vanity in themfelves, and Ve.\.. 1t~o11 .alfo 111 the .l1fe and .en)oym~nt of_them: They tha~ make more reckoning of thts 1 reafurc, wlll be ~uftaken _m thetr Account. And 1s this the Prke of thy Sweat and Care ? Is this the Pnce of thy early and late Endca\'Ours? Nay is this the Price of thy Sins, for .which t~ou d~fl:royefr thy So~l a!ld forgodt Ete;nity? What to hoard up Vamty and Emptmefs, to grow R1ch 111 Vexat ion? VVilt thou ftretch thy ConiCience for that which will never fill bat Torment thee? Arc thefc the great fbtely Nothings that the whole World admires, and runs Mad after ? Alas, you may as foon grafp your Arms . full of Dreams, and hug your