Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

7'50 11. 111. The Great Daty lcncy (if I nuy fo term it) that makes others Sins fwc\1 to fuch a bulk and yet thcJ~ mnft be alfo mortified, and thcfe arc alfo the deeds of the Bruly · b'ecaufe the Soul acli-1e even thcfc fpiritual Sins, ads a~ much below it fclf, as tl~c Body's afriilgs arc bdow the Soul's . As_ ~or the deeds of t/Je Body, by. Deeds w~ muft underfrand not only the inward t:bulllt~o,~s and the outward eruptions of thls Body of Sin, but alfo the fpring and toum_amlt felf whcnc~ thefe flow. Tile corruption of Nature it fc:lf muft be mornlicd, the Body at Death muft be put to death. All thcfc are called the deeds of the FJ,jh, not only thofc that the Apoftle reckons up and tells us arc manifeft Gal. 5· l9· but alfo the inward motions, yea, the depraved root and habit it fdf ~ whi.:h are iCcret, hccanre though tbefc be i1ot outward zas, yet they would be fo' and Sin is not pcrfc~tcd nor fiuifl1cd tiU it be fo. • SccondlJ, As the deeds of the Flefu are the ObjeC\: of Mortification fo here we have the P~rfons on ~hom th is duty of Mc;>rtification _is_prefs'd, Ifye through the Spi1·.t do morriftc; that ts, ye whc;> ha~e rece1ved t~1e Sptrlt, ye who arc Believers, fOr fuch arc thofc whom he dcfcnbes 111 tbeforegomg part of the Chapter, ver. l S 1 o, 1 1. both the f..: branches arc comprehended in the condition required to Life, Jj ye mortijic the duds of tiJe Body, ye /hallltve. ' Th:rdty, Here is likewife the way and means whereby Believers are enabled to mortifi~ the de~ds of the Body, and tha.t is, through the Spirit_; / (ye through the Spirit d~ mortifte. \Vha~foevcr ?ther helps e1ther of.outward or mward rigour and fcvc .. nty l\1en ufe agawft thetr Lufts, they may Jndeed thereby for a time ftifle and' fupprcfs them, but if the Spirit of God do not fet in with the work it can never amount to a true Mortification. ) Now from the words thus open many Propofitions may be drawn out as Fir{1DJ!J. Fi,-ft, From the promife of Life, if we take Life for the Life of Co~fo~t; and the L1fc of Gra.cc, made upon the Condition of Mortification; obferve, rinc. Jt'CQ'IJ. Dollrin(. That it is impoffihlc for that Soul to have lively Comforts and lively Graces whore Luil:s are lively and unmortified. • 1 There is a neccffity for it, that the deeds of the Body be put to death, if you in.. tend that either your Grace or your Comfort Ihould furvive. I do not abfolutely [3.y that Grace cannot live in the Children of God under every prefent neglc:a of Mortification, but yet certainly this will deftroy their Comfors; yea, and eat out the vigour, aCtivity and livelinefs of their Graces, that though they do live, yet they wil1 live but a lingring and decaying Life; they will •but live fuch a Life as Sin doth in thofc who exerclfc a conftant Mortification, that is, they will but live as it were a dying Life. Secondly, If we take the Life promifed for eternal Life, then obferve, That the future Life of Glory is infallibly arfured to the prefcnt death of Sin. If )'e rmrrifte, ye fh,,!l Live ; not that Life proceeds from Mortification, as the Efied from the Caufc, but only it follows upon it as the end upon the ufe of the means. Third Do· Thirdly, From the Pcrfons on whom this duty of Mortification is prefs'd, ob· iJrint. ferve, • That Believers themfclvcs who are freed from the reigning power of Sin, h:we yet continual need to mortifie the inherent remainders of it. Fourth Fourthfy, From the aid and affifrance that Believers muft call in to this work; JJollrinc. obfervc, That whatever advantages Men have gained againft their Lufls, either in fup· prefiing thei.r moti~n.s, or in re~raini ng ~h~ir eruptioqs, ye~ if this be _not f~·om the working of the Sp1rtt of God m them, Jt 1s not true nor rtght MoruficatlOil; If ye through th~ Spirit do mortijie. . I !hall not hand le all tbcfc Propofitions, but only the third, That the Children of God, have continual need to exercife Mor'tification ; and the other PointS will be fubfervient to the profecution of this. This the Apoftlc urgcth Colof. 3· 5· where he fpeaks to thofe that were rifen with Chrift ; as you may fee v. 1, to thofe who were dead with Chrift, and whofe Life was hid with Chrijf in God, 'lJ. 3. to thofe who iball certainly appear with Chrift in Glory v. 4· and yet fuch as thefe are he commands to mortifte their members which are upo~? ;he earth. And it may appear ftrange if you confider what Members they arc which nruft be mortified; 110t vain Thoughts, deadncfs of Heart, uneven Walkings,