of Mortification. 771 1\iolfification rhc Spirit' lends us as he is the Author of Conviction. 'John 16. 8. He {h.:!! convlttct rhc World of Sin. . Secondly, The Spirit doth inwardly and reallY' by_ the imn~ed!ate working of_ his ;·ir . own Power, gradually weaken and deftroy the Hab1t and PnncqJlc of Corn1ptwn. T:.~.e~J:!~ He with his own Hands wounds the old Man, breaks the hard Heart, takes om IJby his thcftony Hc:ur, and gives a Heart of Flef1I. He burns up and confumes all t_hat ownl!owu Drofs and Corruption that lies in the Heart, and is therefore compared unto F1re. wea£-enj Af.ut. 3· 11. He jiNtli Baptiz..c JOU with the Holy Ghoft, and with };'re; that is, with a~dd,./lrqJ the Holy Gboft working as Fire, purifying and refining you as the Fire doth Me~ Jm. tals · who is thrrefore ca1lcd, lfai. 4· 4- The Spirit of ']udgmmt nnd of Burning. the' Spirit of jl;dgmenr, that is, he judget11 hctwecn what is Fk01 and what is Spirit in the H(Jrf, and fepc'rates them, the on~ .from the other j and the Spi_rir ?f burning when they are fo fevered he preys as Fire on Stubble, 11pon that which IS Corrupt and Fldhly, till it hath confumed ir. 1hirdly, The Spirit briiigs home and 2pplies the Efficacy of the Crofs and Death 3· ofJefus ChriJt unto the Soul, in which there is cont:tincd a Sin-mortify~ng ViTtuc. 'Ibeffirit Onr old fi.Lln was crucified with him, and therefore it is mortified in us. The applm '{ Lf<.:ription o~ the <_;:ro(s might have be.en not only Jefus, the King of the Jews, g~~~ fo,. b:lt Satan, Pnnce or this World, but Sm, that Tyrant o( the HeaT t, are all here themmi(j- (;":.J<:ificd. 1 might here infift on th~t l!~ftuence that the Death of ~hrifi: hath upon ing ~J{Sln. the Duth of Sin, both as the mentonous and as the proratartlcal caufe of Jt ; but this I iate:1d at large to fpeak of, on another Head. Now what a livclefs thin.,. wen: a <.:ruc:ifi.cd Chrift, if the Spirit did not ad him and bdng him from the Crofs nay, bring him with the Crofs into the Heart, and there conform it to the Fello~dhip of his Sufferings. Saith Chrifi: concerning the Spirit, Johtti6. 1 5· He jiMII rake qf mine and /hew. it umo you. Indeed, wl~:J:tever Paw~~ there is either in the Death, H..cfurreChon or lntcrccfiion of Chnfr to any fpmrual End, it becomes cffcCl:ual Otlly by the Declaration and Application of it to the Soul by the Spirit. bourtbly, The Spirit is both the Author and Fini1her of the whole work of San~ 4· dification in us. We arc faid to be Sealed by him unto the d11y of Redemptiotr, Eph. 4 . 30. Now what are the EffeCl:s of a SeaL Firft; It gives Firmnefs and Stability to our fpiritual Eftate: Having received the Seal ?f the Spirit, we are invi<:tlable, like that Book in the Rroelariom, which none tn Heaven, or Earth, or Hell can break open. Secqndly, lt gives Security and Aifurance concerning our eternal Efratc'. Re- 2.. ceiYing the carndt of the Spirit, we alfo receive our Salvation ratified and confirmed to us as 1mder God's Hand and Seal; But befides this, Thirdly, A Seal imprints an Image upon the Wax, and receives the Impreffion 3· of it: And indeed this is that on which the two former depend. A Seal adds 110 firmnefs nor aOUrance to :1 Deed, unlefs fome Imprellion be thereby made. "Tis but an airy Alfuran<:e, a void Evidence, an infignificant Charter for Heaven which hath not on it the P1 int of the Spiril's Seal. Now the lmprefs of this Seal is the very Image and Superfcription of God, which when the Heart is like Wax: made foft and pliable, is in a Man's Regeneration inframpt upon it and in the continual Progrefs of ou r SanCtification conformed more perfeCtly t~ the Similitude of God. This work of SanCl:ification which the Spirit begins and carries on hath but two part~; as the 01~e is a living unt? ?olinefs, fo the other is a dying unto Sin ; fo that If the Holy Ghoft be a Santhfytng, he mufi: alfo be a mortifying Spirit . The lma~c of God bares but this double Afped, the one towards Grace which is frefh, vigorous and lively l the other towards Sin, which is Qalc ghafr~ ly, and dying: And the fame Spirit imprints both thefc at once upon the Soul and therefore the Death of Srn is to be :~.fcribed to him no lefs than the Life of Grace. Now what abundant Support and Confolation may we hence Reap. Arc not your Beans ready to fail and link within you, when you fee fuch clufters of finful Thoughts. fwarming about you, fuch violent hurries and cariers of finful Defires and linfu\ Afietl:ions, fuch .n umberlefs Mc:>nfters of callow and untleclg'd Lufrs. Such a crowd of grown and no1fom Temptations, able and well appointed for the Battle, fuch Snares laid for you without, fuch Treachery hatcht againft you within? Do not your Hearts, I fay, link within you when you confider that you muft Eeeeee 2 break