of Mortification. 779 lhuc1iv(,; of all othl'rs. J do not fay that the grofs outward aCts of Sin do not d efcrve Hell ; yes, they do, yea, and a fco!ching P~rtion of it too; Yet, I fay, if any who hath been a Si nner, though too a very htg;h degree of Sca'ndal, doth etern:llly per ifu ; 'ti s nnt becaufe of thofe owtward St~s m~erly, but b<:;caufe_ of Impeni tency, of U nbelief, of Ha_rdnefs of Heart, of flt ghung and undervalUing '}c(us Clm)l . and refuli ng the graciOUs Terms of the Gofpel. Th~y are only thefe fpiritu al Sitl! rhat do fhut Men out_of Heaven, .and fuut .them ~p I_n Hell, and feal them unto cve,r lafting Condemnation.: Grofs S1~s do t~IS m_entor~oufly, but thefe alone do it eventually; thefc do certamly effeCt It as bewg Sms agamft the only Remedy ap\)ointcd. And then , . · . . . Third ly- Becaufe they are Sm.s that of all other are moft like unto the Sm.s of 3· the Devil: What are the Sim of the Devil? Not Intemperance and Luxury, thofe Rt:.c[ono fwinilh and brut ifh Lufts, wherein Senfualifrs wallow; thefe are not fuited to the immaterial Nature of the Devil~ and are fo far below him that he can neicher att nor relifh them. But intelleC\:ual Sins that are ftraim.-d and clarified from fuch fcculency, as Pride, Malice, Hatred of God and Goodnefs, ftoutnefs and frubbornncfs of H eart s ga inft God. Thefe are the Sim which this great and wretched Spirit doth wi t h an im.placable Rage and Spite eternally commit; and accordingly as wicked Men arc hellilhly i_mproved in_ thefe Sins, fo do th~y nearer refemble the Devil. And therefore a Chtld of God ts of all others efpec1a l1y watchful over, and induftrious againft thefe fpiritual Sim. Now try your felves by this; you rurh not poflibly into t he fa m~ excefs of R!ot _with other Men, you refill: Tempta· t ions and hea t down Mottons and Inclinations to outward, grofs, (elf-condemning S;,u : Yea, but ~id you ever fee~ did you ever fi:rive againft the Pride, t~e~ypocrific, t he Unbe l_~ef and Ha~~nefs o! your Hearts? Do you know what tt ts eo maint ain a W ar agamft thefe fpmtual Sm1! Can you abhor and re lift a Temptation to fli ght Chriftl to grieve his Spirit, as well as to any outward fcanda lous Sin? If fo this is a good fign that you do indeed rightly exercife Mortification. , But if you ar'e onl y cleanfed from the Pollutions of the Flefh, and not alfo from the Pollutions of t he Spirit? If while you war and ~hive againft flefhly Lufts) thefe fpiritual and gofpcl Sins are ~arb~ured and. neftled m your Heart~, know afruredly that whatfoever feeming Vu~l:ortes and Conquefts you may obtain over them, yet they are not mortified. __. Fifthly, Another mark for Tryal may be this; If Sin be mortified and dead in 5: you, then you alfo are mortified and dead unto Sin. This you will fay is very 'frio.l_of certai n, but how Ihall we know whether we be dead to Sin! In anfwer untO this, A:forufint1 Jha\1 give you thefe two particulars to try it by. tt on. Firft, \V hen there is little or no futablenefs betwixt Si,1 and thy Soul, then art r . thou dead unto it. Thou feeft no Beauty, no Defirablenefs, thou tafteft no Sweecncfs, findeft no Delight in it, this is to be dead to it; and accordingly as t he degrees of this are, fo art thou dying unto Sin. When the Appetite fails, and the Stomach naufcates that Food which before pleafed it; 'tis a fi gn thal: the Man is fick, and it may be a dying: So when that Appetite which before waS' greedy of Sin, and fwallowed it down as a fweet Morfel, comes not only to leave it, buc to loath it; 'tis a good fign that Man is Sin-jick, Sin is in him decaying and dying. l am Crucified UJ tht: World, and rht World to me, fays the Apoftle, Gat, 6 . 14. So is a mortified Chriftian crucified unto Sin, and Sin to him. What Delight or Pleafure can any Object bring to a crucified Man? Truly when the Soul is once crucified unto Sin, every finful Object is like that Draught of Gall and Vinegar olfered to Chrift upon the Crofs, it bath nothing in it but Sharpnef'S and Bit• t ernefs. Now try thy felf by this; is there no more agreeablenefs between Sin, and thy Soul, than there is between a fick and a dying Man, and the things of this Life ? Canft thou rejeB: thofe Temptations with indignation which before thou clofedft with, wi t h cagernefs? Doth thy Appetite, thy \\Till and Affections loath and naufcatc t hofc Sin.s which formerly thou fwallowcdft down with Delight and Greedinefs 1 T his indeed is a fign thou art mortified and dead eo thy Sim. But if frill thou fi ndcft as much Sweetnefs and Delicioufi1efs in S in as ever, if thou hideft and rolleft ic under th y Tongue. as a fweet Morfel, if frill it be agreeable and moft plealing eo thee, chou mayft mdeed be dead; dead, no~ ul}to Sin, but dead i n Sins and Trtfpajfe.s. Secondly, If t hou art morti fied and dead unto Sin, thou art then enlivened and 2. F f ff f f > quickned