of Mortijicatton. all Felicity even God himfelf. But l muft (though) loath leave the p rofecution of - this Argument. • And now let me fuppofe that the .great Q!1eftion you would all ask is, What you lhould do to mortifie Corruption, and how you {hould ftrive againft it fo as to obJa in Conqueft and ViClory over it? For DireCtion therefore in this great Work, let me propound unto you rhefe following Rules, each of Which if rightly wielded, is enough to pierce into the very Bowels of Corruption. Firft, Labour to get a full and clear fight and difcovery of that Sin, efpecially r' which is moft perplexing and· mofi: unmortified. He that would fnbdu e his Ene- Htlp"';o my muft firft find him out, 'aild confider where his Strength lies, what Advanta- Morri.fica.. ges, he hath got againJl: him, the manner of his warring, &c. and accordingly pre- ricn. pare for Refiftance. This mull: be the Pc;:tlicy of every Chriftian, he muft keep Spies and gOod Intelligence in his Enemies C::amp. Two things he muft efpecially know if he would fubdue his Lufts. · 1 1 11 r Firft, Wh~rein their great Strength lie,, and what Advantages they have againft 1 , him. Secondly, He muft always confider the Ground and Caufe ·of the Quarrel·. As, 2 , Firft, The Guilt which it would bring upon hitn. And, · , 1 , Secondly, The Danger it would bring him into if Committed. This will ferve 2~ to kindle a wholly- Anger and: Indignation agaiMt Sin, without which this great work of Mortification can never go on prpfperoufly. , . : Firft, 1 fay, ferioufly confider wherein the Strength and Pr!::V<ilency of thy Cor1 • ruption lies from whence it hath its greateft ~dvantage againft _thee; this will fucw thee how thou fhouldft particularly apply thy felf to the Mortification of it. 1f it ba t h more tban ord inar y Strength and Power in 'Hree, thy Endeafours to mortifie it muft alfo be more than ordinary. If you ask, Wha£ are thofe Ad~ vantages that do give fo great a Prevalency unto a Corruptiop? I anfwer, Ftrjf, Cuftomarinefs and frequent Relapfes i nto the fame Sins, efpecially i f 1 ; they have been againft ft rong Con'{iB:ions, againft binding Vows and Promifcs, and manifold dealings of God both in Judgme'I'it a'nd in Mercy. Though I am far from that defperate rabbinical Co_nceit of the 'Jews, who hold the fourth Relapfe into the fame Sin unpardonable~ &rounding themfelves upon '• Amos 1. where God thieatcns Damafcw, Edom and .Jmmor., that for three tranfgreffions , 4nJ for four he he 1uould not -turn a~ilay their puriifhment. Yet certainly if a particular Lu[t, ·be iE what it _wiU, Pride', Malice, Uncleannefs, Co'Vetoufnefs, bi·eaKs forth frequently ihto act, forceth all thy Guards-, bcares down all Confidenitions that ftancf in the way to oppofe it 1 I will not fay ,thy cafe is defperate, but yet 'tis v~ry dangerous, and' a fad Symptoni of a ftubbOt 'n unruly Luft that will not be mortifi~d wiEhout extraordinary Pains an4 Care. Daft t hou find any fuch old caJ\kring D1ftcmper w~th i n thee, ripened by l~11g Continuance, and habituated by Cuftom, that bath. ·oftca choakt Confdence, ftifted Co'nv'iCt:Ions, out~ftood many difpenfations of God? Know tha-t the very Age and grey Hairs Of fucb a Luft claim a Command and Au~ thority over the Soul, and that it is a Task Ife-xt to an impoffibility to fubdue it. ']er, 13. 23. Can the vf.thiopii#N Gh~nge his skin, or the L eopard his [pots? Then may ye tdfo . do good, that are accuft(mud tti-Jo evfl , 'Tis very hard to dificdge a Luft thal pleads Prefcription for it felf, it hath had Poffeffion of the Heart T ime out ofMind; can you ever remember wheti· it had not? A~!i therefore ftruggles . as for its . lawful Right,. and will not be ejetl:Cd. Arkt J~his is by fo much the more dangc- ' rous, .if it breaks out to the defilirig and woUnOing of ConfcienCe, after deep Hu... miliation, bitter Repentance, · ferious Refolutions, temporary Reformation ; if 'it prevail againit all thefc, what is there in the Soul that can refift it? Every·fpiritual Difteraper is dangerous, but Relapfes are common ly mortal and de.1dly; and are too clear Evidences, that when the Soul was at its beft Eftate) its Wound was healed bur fligbtJly, only Sk:. in'd over, while the Core of Cor[uption Jay- deep within, .rankling and feft ring till tit break out more i ncurably. · Now tf this be the Cafe and Condition of any here, 'tis pollible that as yet Grace way be frill in you, but it is impoffible that it fuou ld there remain unlelS you ufe extraor~in~ry Diligence for the quelling and fubduing this unruly Luft that hath,fo B elfs to often b1 ok...nloofe. morrifie Now to help you in this (as indeed all heips againft: a CorrUption fo deeply rooted ,uftomar; ed arc too few) confider thefe following particulars. Sinr. Firft,