Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

~ of Mortification. 795 Fifthly and Laflly, Confider (or thy incouragement that this 'Nark of Mar- S· tification is bnt for a fhort tiloe, for a few ftormy Winter Days that will foon be blown over. Though it milft be a conftant \Vork while it lafts , yet it is.116t to laft long. Death at lafi: wil1 come in for our Relief. Look how t.he fcorched Traveller longs 'for a Shade to refl: in, fo doth a truly mor.tified Chriftian long to repofe himfelf in the Shadow of Death; there he iliall lie free from the fcorchings' "Of ' T-tmptations, ·and the heat and fwelter o'f 'JCorruprion. It will not, .it canQot be long e'er it fuall be fung over, us, ' ' your Warfare is . accOmplifhed. Though now ' we are kicking a'gainfi: the Pt!Ckles, yet we !hall fhortly be fro~iied with Rofes. J0ur Comfort is, that not :-- a Corruption fltall enter ~J{to ;'Heaven with u.s, there 'tO ·tempt or li1h-IHE Us. And therefore w~ fhould riot 'faint noli be we<f.ry ; though' Otl!' W9rk b& fhaf:p, yet it is but ihdrt, and oui,Reft is evedafting; ' · Now be l:ortVtmally arnii)rgantl ftrengthning .Your felves wit'h 'fuch 'enCouraging Confidetations as thefe 'are~ j You will findl itfpm to be of v.:ery .great 1Momen[ and Influencein~ thl! carry.in_g9h of 'the Work of Mortification. 1That's t,he fourth Diteaion. "· J;, ·· 1 Fifthly, Arroth~r Diteilion'lbl:II :be -this, 1-lf 'yvu'·would ~r.tifie your Con·up- S· ~t~ons, then ·Iabo\lrto impr'ctfe .the Death of Chriftuntpthe•f>cithof Sin. 'Fhere 'lbede~tb is Venue in the· StOod of' Chfift to (tench tbe "bloody llfue of rc:orrupt ion: Iae of Ch>ift • was' wounded and crucified for~iD, an<_l Sin Wa:S.WoUnded ttnd .1cl'uci.fied with' him. =~;;:ji;~ ·And thus Chrift doth by :i ' h'Qly'h-ind of Reveiige repay his l'>eath upon the·dld sin. 1'Man that Ifi1t him to Dcatl1. .And\chedfor:e .q:tys ~the ApofN.c,\ f()m. 6. 6. ·i-flt1r old;.jUan is Crttcifitd with him; Jhfr' th~ BruJ! Df -s,m·Ynlght be ileP,r6y~~: · _ :And'1fi~tihe fo·r.ffier ver(es .. ltf;,(peaks·of btlf_£ bt_tpw:e-d -!'t~.t'ht .Dtttth of Chri}f, · 1 ~nJ ,planted togeifltr. i~to the'Uktptfs Of his 'De a! h. ·~n Whtch "intimates the 13eat:_~ bf Sin to· be "iii- ,ilieted by the Deilfh of ChrUt. -l:ook as Mofes Hf~led 'the Bi.t1erncfS bt' the' Wlt!Jrs o:(' Marah b,y caftiyl( a Tree into them; fo 'truly ~)l;lc bitter1'Fciuhd!n of cdt'ru~tion, which always.f~htls' foi!~ · ~itt<~:Streams1ls ' 'J(~Jled by the Tr~e o~ thc1Crofs. "MaRe it thercfol'~ your ' dally ~~~rtife to b1in~ ' the Crbfs 'df 'Pl],i-ift '·ilifo3v'ohr Hearts, to nail and faften your Lufts unto it, and you fh'i11 ' 4uiCkiy{ fiiJ~·~ fli~)n languifh and expire. If you ask what Influence the Death of Chrift bath into the Death of Sin. I anfwer, it bath mighty Influence efpecially thefe two wavs. As it is the me.ritorious Caufe of, and as it is the moving Caufe unto Mortifi.Ca· tion. Firft, The Death and Crofs of Chrift is the meritorious Caufe of Mortifica· ~~ tion. Then was the Death of Sin procured and purchafed. We fhould always have ~ked Va.ffals and Bond·O~ves to o1;1r Lufts, ftill fubjea to them, .and kept ullirt'rby· th'flTr,-!n!t:-th~)""'dytng -bath-.cdeemcd-us-frem-thetrf'cnm- ' and hath laid in !tore for ns that Grace whereby we are enabled to refift and prc· vail. Believe it, there is not a Victory that you obtain but it coft Blood , not your own indeed, but the precious Blood of Jefus ChrHt. What a Privilegr. bath a Chriftia:l in this ? He confliCts, and conquers, and triumphs at the expence of another's Blood. _There,s not a Temptation you refift, nor a Corruption you fubdue, but the Grace that inables you hereunto is the purchafe of . your Saviour's Death. ByJDeatt he de)!:royed. him~~hat had the Power of Death. By Faith therefore draw C'od.tinuofl Supplies frbm the Death of Cbrift: Tell him how Rebellious dnd Head · ftrong thy Corruptions are grown, what Tumults and Uproars they make in thy Hcan. Tell him it was one End and Intent of his Death that they might be dcftroyed in thee. Beg of him Relief :1nd Strength a.. gainft them; plead with him, that fince he hath procured the Death of Sin at fa high and dear a Rate r,s his own Blood, he would not fuffer it tQ live unmortified in thee. Chriit by h1 s Suffcrings bath procured Grace fufficicnt to make us more ·than Conquerours: N ow it is the Skill and Art of Faith to .cterive from this full Treafury, Supplies for Mortification. Stcondly, The Death of Chrift bath a mighty Influence into our Mortification, 2 ; as it is the moving Caufe unto it. Certainly if you do but feriouOy reftet\: upon the Death of Chrift, and confider that all the Pains, Wrath, and Curfe he then underwent was to free you from your Sins; it~cannot but imbitter your Hearts againft it : What ! Shall I fuffer Si11 in me that would np~ fufier Cnrilt to live in · the