Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

The Great Duty, &c. the World? Was he crucified for it, and fhall not I be crucified unto it ? oh ! fay concerning thy Corruptions, it was this and that bafe Luft of mine that kilPd my &aviour; it was this and this Sin that fqueez'd fo much Gatl and \Vormwood into the bitter Cup of his Sufferings; I fee them ftained with his Blood, they look guilty of his Death; and !hall I lodge Ill my Heart .the bloody Mui thercrs of my Saviour? No, their Blood certain}y fhall go for hi1. This Codfidera.tion, had 1 time to prefs it upon you, would be of great Moment unto the Exercife of Moni~ fication. . Thus I have at large handled to you this great and .important :0uty of MortjJication. 'Tis not that which concerns on.ly fame particular Chriftians : 'Tis not that which is to be exercifed only at forD.e Particular and efpecial S~1a(ons : 'Tis nqt ihat which conduceth only to the Orriament and Flourifh of a Chril\ian? No, 'it is that which is the very Life and Power of Chriftianity, . without w~iCh whatfoev.er Profefiion you glitter in, and dazle the Eyes of the World with, it is but empty and hypocritical. If any of thefe Truths have taken hold upon your 'Confciences, beware how you fhift them off, left with them you together fhift off eternal Life, and judge your felves unworthy of it. I know it is indeed i hard' Duty, and l have endeavoured to arm you againft that Prejudice ; but pray tel~ me, is it nOt more hard to perifh? Is it not more hard to lie in Hell for ever? Though it ~e pleafing to Flefh and Blood to live in Sin, and to give Corruption Scope to afr unoppofed and unrefifted: Oh! But think, will it be pleafing to Flefh and Blood 'to lie for ever fcorching in eternal Burnin_gs? Never flatter your felves, you or your Sins muft die; If you live afttr the »ltjh you /ha!J ilie. If after all that hath be n fpoken you will yet i~dulgc your Lufts, .~nd yidd ~o Temptations,· and give y_oUr felves ove~ to tht: f;,ymg of your Corruptions; beheve i~ t~~fc Sermons will rife up and w1tnefs agamft you at the Jail: Day, and leave you without excufe. Yqu have been told what the Duty is, how neceffary ; the way and meanS. how yPu . fuould perform it: And oh! That thefe things might never be objeCted again'ft you for your Condemnation! Oh ! That they might become cffet'tual to promclle tha. t .~reat Work in you, till thal · Promife be lijl¥Jed to yoli jn the. Text, 'If yiu ~ortifte, youjh,uilwe! , .. r --~--------------------~--------------~~ I F I N I S.