Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRich man,andLázart a. 113 ÁÁrahass.lhad fayd, Thou haft liued to thy feife, and ney- Ï tiler toGod nor thyneighbour: Thy bellywas thy God, thy !riftsand pleafures thy gods. In thefe thou haft Hued, anti noway in Godsobedicnce;therefore art thou tormen- ted now,and íiialt bee ever. This was /Ibrahimsmeaning, and therefore it condetn- nednot the Rich man, that he waswealthy, andhadfome pleafures here: but becaufe hee was rich and crueli, and becaufedrunken wit h the pleafures of life, becaufe his mindewas altogether fet vpon worldly vanities, and in cuill workes; and neuer a whit vpon heauenly things, and no time vpon goodnelfe. Weheard before that richescó- fidered in themfelues. and not abufed by their owners,doe not bolt the doore ofbeauen againft any,asneyther do the pleafures of life. vfcd lawfully and well: for then, no Rich-mancould bee.faued, nor any that liueth in anypleaa Ru['ii3c' fureshere: but (b) poore Lazarus is inrich Abr,thamrbo. ' fonte, and godlincife bath thepromifes of this life, and of that which is to come, 1. Tim. 4. 8. And as riches, and pleafuresdoe not in themfelues barreany out of heauen ; fo neyther doe pouerty and paine for themfelues, bring a- ny thither : for Lazarus wasnot faued, becaufe hee was poore, and in paine : but becaufe in theft, hee trufled in God,and waitedfor hisfah ation. Towinde vp,and tocome to the point : That which condemned thisRich man, was the abufe, as hath beetle fayde, of his wealth and pleafures heere, and becaufe? the fouleofhis delight was in them, not delighting inGod, Sc hating his poore, Fromwhencewe learne, that theywhoheere are drown Data ned in pleafures,and in the loue oftheir belly, mull heere- after looke to liuein paine and mifery,, as this Rich_ man in the torments of hell for et'er. o it is threatned to the young man, who chearedhirnfelfe with the ioy and de- lights ofyouth,following`cuery pleafure,andpleafant ob- iec`f, that his heart could imagine, or eye fee, that for all thefe.things,helhould beebrought to iudgemen, to Witte, to