Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRichm4tn.andLa iras. 119 wherein bee further fheweth, how impoflible it is that this Rich mans ¿late fhould bee bettered, or bee other then it i): for,heefayth,bettveene v.', andyou, &c. as ifhehad fayd, God, by an euerlafling ordnance and law hacks barred the wayfrom vs.in heauen to you in heli1; betweene,there is a guife,or gaping pit,an.d no bridge over. And there is no hope ofevercommingnearer then wee be. Further, ifany would come from vs to you, which is not to beeimagined they cannot; and as they cannot,fo they neuer will. This is flbrahamr meaning. Wherewe learne that the fate ofwicked men after this Dflrt life isvnchangeable,and ewer the fame. They that are in hell canneuer corne out; as they that are in hearten, can neUer come thence: and fo wee fee the impoflibilitie of gettingoutofhell, beingoncein; for which iris called the deepe, Luk, 8. 3 I; and ofwhich Efay fpeaking fayth, He path made it deepe, Efa.3o.33,and therefore deep e,becaufe thedamned there are fo cati downe, that they neuer rife, Pja1.14o. t o.Chrifl faythofhirn,whomhe fent to the hell, Lmdebin; handandfoot, Math.22. 13, asifhehad fayde; by Grippinghimofall meanes ofdefence,andwayes cafe'', taping, Iet himgot and neuer rewrite. For they who are cati with their hands and feet bound into fuch a deepe, how can they come o.yt? This was fpoken of beforevp. on the 23.verfe,the words, Andbeeing inbellin torments, &c, Doo`l z.there. But is there noco:liming out ofhell? Then take wee heedehow weecorethcre? that is, While wee are in the wayofgrace, let the deepe ofhell call to deepe repen- tance, as ifOnedeepe fhouid call to another, P/al.4z. 7. Here let vs come cant ofour fìnnesby conucrfion to God, that hereafter we corne nut-with -our-finnes, or in them to the placewhere isno comming out. Ifnow weehumble ourflues, wee (hall bee exalted in due time, i. `Pet. g4: not cati downe,as they who goe to hell, are; but exalted ; for to beeexalted is, to afcend vp; not to bee fent into the deepe. Onefpeakingofthe affaed here for fiune, fayth truly, Vfe,