Ofthe Ric!man,andLawn's: 127 from it,by Gods ordin a nce; as theMae, PrieflsofRome, whodo nothing in the (entice ofGod to commonvnder' ftanding,but what may woreproperlybe fees then heard : hisprayer, I may fay his good prayers,whichhee fo much truth vnto, will proue abominable;that is,odious' to God, and plagues tohimfelfe, Trots. 28.9. Hearing therefore is themolt neceifary,and moil importantmeant for falua. Lion in all the Churches ofChriff. TheRealm. Asanians ;mind is not knowne but by fpeakibg; fo neyther can wee knowGods will but byhis word; nor what is in his word,but byhearing: Therefore God is fayde to fpeake in his word, and fpceches are to be taken with the eare,andnootherwayes, 'Dent. q.. i 2. Se- condly, the eare is theconduit ofknowledge to the f . nie; and fo, offauingknowledge toit. rhirdly, they thatthirft, muff come to Chriff, as they that want common water COW. zo the svell,lobv 7.3 7 but this wcil is deepe,and our Bares are the buckets to draw with, lohn q., i z. Therefore when wee come to this well oflining waters, wee muff bring our Bares (tildebuckets) with vs. 1~ourthly,when a Mader fpeaketh;hewill Tooke tobe heard. God fpake by his Prophets in the (b' old Tetlament,and byhis Sonne b in the new; did hee not fpeake tobee heard? orihall wee not eaufeour eares toheare? andcan the Lordofhis pew ple take it well, ifwe refufè toheare the Matter ofhis owne fz Wily: Fiftíy,the wo -dofScripture is called thePeroer of God to fat=ration, Rom. r. z6 ;that is,his arme reuealed, E/a. 5 3. t, to faue all that (hall beefaued indeede.But to fpeake rly; weecannot fee a word, and therefore weemull heareit,ifwe w:11 bee faued by it. Sixcly, none can come to Chriil but his fheepe:and all his fheepe are thus marked by him; rho, égare his vo7ce,lohn 10.27. If then it be ne- cetrary for Chri(lians tobe Chriits fheepe, it isas necellary that they hauehis marke,and heare what hee will fay vrito them. Vfe, z: The duty therefore of all Chriflian Churches &people is to heare theWord,, that is thewritten wordofGad: nd that