Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

128 of the Rich sna ,andLazarus. that not flack" ly, but with all readinet e, Jam. i, 6 9. ,Sálo. ?non oppofeth the duty ofhearing,and the facrifice offools, cc/e/ 4.17 as ifhee, fhculd fay, that they who refufe to I-ìeare,doe f:ruice as fooles; and toheare is better then all f,crifice,faith Saentedto Sand, a good Prophet to a badde King, z. Sam. >i 5.2 i. Alfo no duty that wee doe to God, can pleafe himwithout this;Topray is our duty, but they that refufe heare, may ¡pare topray : for, as wee haue already heard, luch pray in finne,or their prayer is bane, Pram. a .9.Tocome to Chrifls Table is a goodduty, but hee that hath not learned the nayflery by hearing, comes to condemnation, a,Cer.i 1.29. To eate and drinke are necefiary duties; but without the Word that fanclifietlt the creature, what is our eating and drinking, but a pros Vfe, z, phane thing? Secondly, this maketh againfl Popifh Churches .and people, in whofeeares the word foundeth not, but in a orange tongue:and teacheth that they who hue in Pope. ry, hue in a wretched bondage ofignoranceand finne, to which the DiueiI hath captiued theircares and wholeman. Neyther can they doe any thing fo long as'they continue fuch,that will bee pleafingto God. Purther,thisnnaketh a- gain it two forts ofRecufants in our land, the Popifh, and thofé od the Separation. And is it not a reproofe of many °fourowne profeffion,vvhoon our Saboth dayes,ne then Phew themfelues diligent, nor well.difpofedhearers ? For though they doe not turne their backesvpon vs, as the o- ther doe; yet theylookevpon our Atf rnblies with little or no zeale, and fome with Teroboam fet vp Idols of wane tonnefl^e againfl them,and thinke it too farre, .or much to hee at them euery Sabboth day, z. King. a 2.2 8.29. Or if they corne to the Affeznklies in the morning of the Sab- both, yet in theafterncone ofthe fame day, they gce to their Farmes or pleafuresfrom them, and from God in thena,,Lrík?4. t $. z o. And now how can they who come fo feldorne and vnwiliingly(when they corne) hearkene Jer, v o, Ezech.33.31.1ía w is it like that they will nice ditate