Ur the aornanandLa,ptrtis. 35 Secondly,there is no conuerfionwithoutFaith. But what faith is to begiuen todeuils in dead mens skinner?Thìrdlys that which is able toconuert the heart, bath a promife from God,and bleffing thereunto : But is any such promife made to that which prouokethhim fomuch as I croman. cie is fayd to doe: anddoth hebleil'e that which himfelfe bath forb dden? Thevfe is agginlf the kingdom ofdarknesin Popery,fet vfe. on foot, and kept goingby Necromancies and fundry ap- paritions ofthydead,all damnable andfabulous ; but thofe arc fooner'and more beleeued then the Word and Scrip - turein all that darke and fuperí1itious climateofPapi(lic ;1 Paganifine. To fuch the Apotile fayth: If the Golpell bee hid,itisto themthat are /off,a.Corq..3 : but this was fpoi ken ofin thevfeofthe fir[l doctrine ofthe formerverfe; Lat}ly, this contrarying mind in Dines, Both as it were , holdvs the light to fee what frowardnes naturally, is (hut vp in all (lubhorne Chrifl:ians. And it teachcch, that it is- Doec theproperty ofa very froward perfon to reiel the Word, They that were very froward in lob, fayde to the Almigh- ty, Depart fromvt, towit,in thegouernment ofthyword: WeWire not the knowledgeofthywayes,that is,wee de- fire not thy acquaintance in the truth, as neyther thy pre- fence am Ingvsby it in the mouths of thy feruants, lob, a 1414; or what care wee whether thou bee among vs in thycömmandementa,which we loue not: rather we delve' thy roorne then thy company in inch matters. So ofl/i.4.l that would not heare,the Lord 'himfelfe fayth, //me/ would. none ornie, Pffl. 8 t.r r. the meaning is, They who reieO. myWord,reiec Me:&are they notperfons very froward that fo doe e They that would not haue Chria to reigne euer them ,with his word,are called by bimf lfe enemyes: Lae, d .byEja;,rebellious,or froward enemies, Ef4. 3 o. 9. and,are they not wicked,and /'noer,indeede(fuch as will helpe thedu?) whorebel/ againa Clod,in his ovinefouerasQn- tie,andthe parts ofhis Dominion? The reafons. Thepat- terneoffúch frowardnes)wee haue herein a very rebellious footle 4.