Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

140 oftheRichmot,àldLaZ YIar. barns bofome, and ekape the torments, and placeohm, ruents,wherein Abraham left thisRich-mgm,and wee kaue him. And pray wee,that wee may imitate Lazarus, andbe like hini, and not be as this cruell Rich.nar1 doing as hee did,and endingvvhere he left : left beinglihim invvic. kednes,our revvard bee like his in hell, fromwhich woefull Tot of death Eternal! ,'. Hee that bought vs with a price, fauevs, and that byRaìth in himonly,who only is theSassio,sr,le¡me Chrsft the ri;hteo is ;to whomwith theFather and theHoly Ghoft,bee praife for e. ucr,in all the Churches. "linen. FINIS,