Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

14 oftbeRichwan,and Lazarus. their coiifciences, telling them that they haue flainéfoma, ny men in themfelues ? And may theynot fay :ofwife, we haue made our felues fooles; oftlrong,weake ; offoberby calling,druiaken and more then brutifhby the cutlome of finne e But when they fha',l enter intomeditation ofa farre worfe ¿late, by fuch lulls in the body cruelly pulled upon them to damnation, ifGodbe not mercifull to them; nay ifthey benot mercifull to themfelues to weepe prefently and bitterly for all their vnfober conuerfation and turne to God, in a iut} hatred ofa courfe oflifefomurderousand ungodly : I fay,when they Thal thinke rightlyoftheir èf}ate fo pittifull and terrible,caufed by themfelues; howcan they but beamazed with a horrible dread,and fo pailee therellof their dayesin feare, that they cone not intocoridenv nation ? But (fecially) this cruell rich man wascondemned in that which he did , becaufe he did it with thecontempt of the poore. Then, thougha man goe not apparelled as this man dìd,nor fare as he fared,that is,fumptuoufly or choife. lyeuery day : yet, ifwith him', he forget to (}retch out his hand to theneedy , hemay bedamned as he was: though he haue not that which he had, yet ifhe lacke that which he hadnot, namely, the care ofthePoore; he may goe tohell, For, there are more waies to hell then one: and thevnmer- .. cifull,as well as the theefe and rnurtherer (hall goe thither. Not onlyhee that getteth his goods ill ; but he that fpends them ill andwantonly, or holds t ,em in couetoufly and cruelly 1 when there is neede of his mercy, Ihall beare his condemnation, whofoeuer hebe. Wemay fee it heere in this rich man : for we doe not reade either that he gatehis riches and wealth iil,orCookeany thing by oppreflion from the poore and Lazarus ; it was fufficient matter to hiscon- demnation in hell, that he did notvfe his riches well, and' to the reliefeofrhepoorein nliferie. Doan. 2. Where learne againe, that Chritlians (ifthey would not' bedamned) mutt not onely not oppreffe the poore memo berso&Chrifl, but reline, and doe for them in their near- fide)