Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

_ of t heRich woodLazard: The reafonsare. Euery breach of the commandement deferueth hell and fecond death :Gal.; .so rand this is one: Secondly, and moreparticularly; to omit thisduty when there iscaure,and we haue abilitie,what is it but with finne, to keepe in our hands that which is Godq part, and the pooresportion ; and fo to beguilty of,both íacrilegeagain God , and robbery againfl men ? Prou.3. zy.When God makesvs rich, hemakes vs but rich Stewards, with a charge not to keepe the Maiflersgoods inour owne hands, but to giue them to the proper owners , the poore. Neither is it robbery onely to raeglea this feruice of God to Gods poore, buta kindofmurther: Ecclur.34.22,orakilling of thofe by cruelty , whofe liues we might faue by aimes. If then,either theft,or ,facriledge, or rnurther, or all three dc. ferue deatheternal' ; then that whichis all the three,not to minifler to the neceffitiils of Gods poore , deferueth it Thirdly,thevifr-uitfull tree cret dcznse for theßre.Math.3: io, and fo muff all vnfaithfull, that is,vnworking Chriflio ansbe for hei-lire. %, t: A reproofe of thofe who thinke and fay, they may doe what they will with their owne :where, firff, theyare much deceiued, by calling that theirs, which is their Ma- ilers, Lu4. 16. i, z. For the earth it hit, Pfalm.z4. t. and thefe things that are in it he hathdcliuered vnder account to rich men, as tohis Stewards, to lay themout; not as to Treafurers,to lay them vp ; or, if as toTreafurers, to lay themvp : yet fo tokeepe them, that they be ready alwaies tobring them cutfer the feruiceoftheir Soueraigne, and the goodoftheir fellow fcruants : or,ifthefcearthly goods were theirs, were it lawful' orreafonable to vie them, a. gainfl the glory of the bountiful' Giuer ? If my Prince fhould rayfenice to honour, were it tolerable, were it not vilany to turneit again(} his Crowne and Honour? or, if a man fhould giue mee a dwellinghoufe in the mid(' of a Towne, migh_ I fet it on fire becaufeitis mine? and,may I kill a man with a wer+pon , becaufe the weapon is mine wne, wherewith I flew him,? Did Noah well to bee ,1r:rna