Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

d Ofthe Rieb rna$yandLazarus. notonely a deede ofmercy, but workeofittftice t®glue to' Gods poore: fo faith Dautd, Pfal. t i 2.9 ; wherehe telles vs that agood man is alway doing good,and that his righte, oufnes, that is, worke thereofabideth euer ; and not for a while, or for a fewgood fits, Byrighteoufnes, he meaneth the vvorke of mercy to the poore, which hee calleth not changeable, but conaant mercy: and he calleth it righted oufnes, bccaulcit is not an arbitrarie but commandeddu. t r : nor at our ow nechoife,vvhick we maydoe,or leavevnm done ; but ftraightly enioined. And therefore as the rich haue right to the maineeflate by Gods bowlry5fo theouer. phis ,and that which theymay ípare,is thepoores byvertue of that donation. That therefore whch they may fpare is nottheir ovine, but thepaores ;from whom , ifwith this richmanand merciles, theywithhold thecrunm;nnes oftheh: fuperfluitie,with him theymaycry, when there fhall be no bearing. Looke lam 5.1 . 1 tell thee, thepoore haueas good right to thewalk bread of thy ellate, .as thouhaft to the full table it felfe ; and it is ratified to themby the fame authori- tie,that the larger portion is fealed vrrto thee.Butheere flan. d M.Io. deth the differenceas (d) one faith; Godbath giuen vnto Down. who thee thy riches immediately, but to them hegiueth theirs bathwrit- mediately bythee. But toprecceede a little farther: Chrifl ten fully and Iefus in his lait dayofiudgement,wilpronounce thattobe done tohimfelfe which is done to his oore A4ath.2 ofthis Zr- p r 540% gument,in and contrarily,that to be taken from him,which is eieried to booke thcm,v.45. Now tell me , ifChriil himfelfe Mould come ofbenefi. tobegge lodging ofthee, wculd(t thou not glue him led- cn£e. ging,and (ifnee were) thevfeofthineowne bed ? When a poore Chriflian Both as much , it is all on e, V5 if Chrift raid fo by him: and thereforewhatthoudenie t to a Chriftie an , thy Sauiour will take' as denied tohimfelfe in that Chriftian, and fay; Forafmueh a, yeedid it net to the leafl of thefe, yeedidnot to me ; t'hereforefhallyee goe ettoester/afling paine,as the righteousíhal'pap to life eternal4Mat. 25.45_46. .But, Jell any fhuld thirke hinfdfenot tobe charged with gluing bccai%heis not riche theApoftle S.Pwtsl ieweth thaT