s oftheRich odn,andLaedar s: for that which is fpoken ofthe richman while heWasvpon the earth ; that which is fpokenof Lazarur,foIloweth. Verfe. tO. And there was a certaineTeager; namedLazarus. This poore man may be the patterne or mould ofthat other L }ate of men which we Lhall haue alwayes with vs: but f®,as by neitherflatesofrichorpoore,itcan beknowne or itidged whether amanbe lotted or hated ofGod, Ecclef For no man can fay: This is a rich man,therefore God lo ueth him. My reafon is , the one ofthefe was rich,andnot loued ; not becaufe he was rich,but becaufe he was naught : Theo- ther was loued, though poore ; not becaufe he waspoore, but becanfe hewas good. So that thisdiuerfitie offlares is indifferent, and from God : prouided that the rich man be. come lawfully rich , and the poore man be madepoore as Lazarusheere by fickneffe and fores,not by any intern. perate fpendings. Do&. t, And this teacheth that pouerty and riches arenot (imply cuill,but by abufe., Abraham,lfaac, lofeph, lob, and others were rich men,and yetgood men : AndRuthandLa4arur were poore, and not euill. Paulan excellent Apoille, and yet a pooreman, t. Cor.4,8 r Alfo, Peter, a worthy Apoflle, laid to thepoore creeple; Siluer and gold I haue none: and rich Salomon was a figure of the riches which we haue in Chriff. The reafons. The Lordma4ethpoore , andmaleth rich : 2.Saw.2,7 : or, thepoore andrich together, as patlingers who comming fromcontrarie quarers,meetein onemid way: and fohe that is rich to day, maybepoore tomorrow : but what f©llowes?The Lord is the maker ofthem both : That is,he that made them,makes thischangein them, Prou.t a.t: Nowwhat Godhath made, or dothmakecannot beeuill. Geu.t,31, Secondly,