Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

44 G f the Rich man,andLazarte. examples ofiinne,for others. Nor let them fay they gOè to hell for nothing , when in two regards they goe thither : onefor being et.iill, another for making otherscuill. So much for the proper effefts that concernethis poore man, , that which(outofhinn) concerneth others,followeth. Yea and the clogges came and licked hisfsres. Yet thedogges(shole nature in to bark:: at (Irangers, and not to licke their fores,but to make them foreifhewed more pitty in their kind,then either this Maifler,or his men. For these gaue him their tongues , they would not give hinr their crummes : these fur ed his lores, they no way flaked his fore hungcr.Thefebellowed what they had, they would bef+owe nothing. Thefe were pittifull toman ; they were cruel! to poorematt, and inhumane toLae, /rue , a godly man. Whichcould not but proceed from the Lord,and be his vwne cieede, both to teflifie againf, ; and to conuince the vnra ercifull,and more then beafllyincompaflionatenes offiìch cruel! wretches. For here the kind nature of the dogges fiaamed the hard-hearts of men :and God opened 1 their mouthes,ashedid ofB hams aiie, Nr m.a2. 8.! 9; too' reproue theirna sifter Or, -God taught thesedogges kind nès,to teach their mailermercy. And here weare taught that God,thr good purpofe, dotfr oftentimes make vnreafon.able creatures his witneifes a. gainf±reafoñable men. So fire and Lions, the fierce fire, and thehungry Lions flaewed mercy, when the King and Princes ofBchel and '7'erfa4 would f}iewe none- toDaniel and Daniels. fflioves, `L?:xr, 3 -. z7 &6.2 z; Thus alfo, when' I Irael would not know God by his Prophets, he taught themby the Oxe and 4fro to k_rsa whim, Eay'r. 3. So prouip- deuce is taught by the Consec Pr9M.3o.26 : order by the: GraJ1opper.y.27 diligence by the Spider,v.78: and timely repentanceby the Turtle,Swallow,and Crane, that know- and ,obferue theirrime, ler.8.7. In the booke of Micah° . when Ifrael .would trot heare,God turnes him tothe Norsr. taiti