Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

OftheRicbman,and LazarH, . 43 uivttand hills,bidding themto hcare,Msch<G.1.1. And Sila- manmakes the Avt,thefluggards teacher,arad the .ort- heape, hi;; fchoole to le:arne iz,Prou.6.6. Thus reafonable men are fchooled by vnreafonable creatures. 7,ke lea/on.r. By this meanes,God cloth fhewe themwhat they fhoulddot; and framethcmznothauing done as they Iliould.Now fban e often times moues vs, when the-words ofthe wile Cara doe nothingwith vs. Secondly,proud perlons mull be humbled, before they will learre,Efa.66.z. But what bettervtiayto humble terr,t then to conuince and (hamethem by filch (imple- Teacher as theOaeand Alfe,andother,bothvnreafonable and fenf les creatures are ? For may they, not then fay; Whatfooles,: are we that mull haue filch-to teachvs? Thirdly , man muff haue one or other to teach his? knowledgc,or to condemnehim,ifhe will nest lcame: and Godbath not'left hrmflfe ithetst ïit4c °, :9Ft. a.q . z 7. Where- therefore, his Minì.(1ers cannot teach roan byhisword, the other creatures by their order nau(t,that therebeno excufe, And nowwhat caniaefay,when thecreatures without rear fon obferue their makerslaw ; and lie that bath reafon, and the teaching;which they want, s ill not ? An admonition to reafonableman, riot to deipife," ,tor yet to neglect the fchoolings that:God giiies him byhis o ther creatures. Not to be vnn crcifu;l; when fame dogges hauebin merciful]. Alfc , when beat s tender their ovine' kind,not to forfäkehis. And when God putteth the long ofhis praife into -the mouth of all creatures , euen of Cher' hilles andmountains,of the Towles ofthe aire, colt%e trees . of the forma, and ofthedrazom itnd war es tJell eret pe vp n i e earth, P/al. t 483 not to fuffer hisp aife to goe out ofhis riíáuth. For (haiiit not be flrame and finneto him to be durnbe, when ihefe are fo hic, .j tad lode ? And what wit- netfe can they give but of his iú.(1 condemnation, if where.: they declarehis glory he bringby his w.ickt dneife,by his crueltie, his prophanc lifeand mufl vine behauinur,noe' thing,butihame,reproch,and contempt to his name? Geol G 3 ('s >.