Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

5G UftheRicb run,andLaz.arasr. difference bet;areene'thofe that are worth thoufinds, and thole that are worth nothing, being once put together in /he common bagge ofthe earth? Salírnon in all his glory was not foglorious as th Lilly, fayth the fecond Saiorim : ( nth. 6. z9.Andwhat is a Lilly ? or what eternity is there in that flower ofgraffe ? It is fayde that euery Lilly l^path hisworme in ifs roote : and can wee thinke that the Lilly of flefh is without : Surely the worme of death gnawes vponvs fo foam:as we begin to liuc in the womb, be weborne poore,or of Princes : and, when we come into the world, innumerable pettydeaths arePent vpon vs fortranfgrefflon. \Vorrneseate vs aiiue: and wee are but wore :s meate, being in our houle ofcorruption. That which hath Come (hew to day,is tomarrow rolled vp, and layde aftdein the clodde acheearth. 4ra1/4 1n was thefriend ofGood in his generation,Sarnp. fanwas flrong, and 196 iufl,and none fo wife as S4411111) : and yet death bath rolled vp all thole Worthies, and bu- ried their bones in G)Igotha. Since tine fill of Adam,there is no entring into Paradi.e,bnt by theburning Seraphims: or blazing fittes ofdeath, Gen. 3 z4. It was fayde to Adam, and thefame may bee fayde to all that come oft/- ohm, Thomart : Gen. 3.t9. That is, thou art but nmat- -ter for the earth, and for death that reigneth ouer all flelh. Finally,as in the parable, the Labourers came into theVineyard, iWith. zo. fo !hall thole Labou. rers go out, Conicatone honre, fomeat an lther; fare in their infancy, or dazon ofday.Somc in their third houre, young; fume when theyaremen, in their frxc and ninth houre ; andfonne when they beold men in their eleucrath and laakoure. Butall muff goe out ofshis vincyarde of life that hue; and the longefi dayofthe Iongell Iiners life is but till night, the night whereinnoman canw,*, John 9. 4. I conclude therefore, that all are mortall,poore and rich. The Reafons. It is lull that God glue to eueryone the wages ofhis workes: but the wager off;nne rs death, Rom. 6,23e