Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

OF TH E RICH MAN AND LAZARVS. a erewatt 4Cart the Richman whichWas clothedinprtrple and finelannen,andfared.will anddelicately, emery day, Vic. His chapter is chiefelydireded Sc writ- ten againLl Pharifaical couetoufnes and delicacie ; exhorting to liberalitie, and a careofthepodre, and thisvnder two parables; the firLi ofthe Steward, who did wifely,thoughnotiutlly : Dec. 16. r.2.. &c. theother ofthe richman and /Amaru.r,v. rg. 20. &c.Thcparable ofthe Steward doth not wart tnt any pickery or vnfaithfulnee in fie wards ; but on'y doth implie, that as heemadehimfriends vniuflly; fo wee (Mould both iullly and wifely make vs 9. friends ofthis Mammonof wealth,v. 9. by difperfng a- Vcr, inroad ; that the fouttaines of ourliberatitie mayrunneo- tter to all that necde, Prou.5. z G: The Pharirer,thatwere couetntis,bearin this,v, r 4. thought Ver.I.4 that Chriflfpakefoolifhly, anddangeroufl_y in fo laying, they could not endure that their fore of couetoufnes Mould be touched; and,whenhishand cameneere it, they put itfrom them with a fcofre, and mocked him: they , Wouldneuerbeleeaebut any man might ferueGod, and gather riches ; or how Mould the Common-wealth Band ? andhow thould one wan bee aboue another ? or, 13 c+oX13