Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

Ofthe .Ricbo4$,eindLaz 1Hs 71 anexceeding great isy,tbat the earth rangagaine : t. King. J.qo : So,how can may pleafures bewanting, where the true Salom 4 and his royall Spoufe that' both be crowned together with glory in the Kingdome of Heauen Sssch honour bait: the Saints ; and therefore great without queo than is their preferment euery way , and fo much greater, becaufeprefently at their death,they receyue in their b1ef: fed foules but thenaoyty of that happy eilate, which they are fure tohaue whole and full at the refurredion. This doc`Irine is wickedly croíled by the Papifls in Vfe 2 their Articleof the foules pafsing to the paints of Purga , toryprefently after death : fpecially where they make the paines there,and burning therein as intollerableandgreat as thofe paines, and that btuning,dwhich is in the hel lesof the damned, fauethat there is a comming out ofPurga. tory,but no redemption inhell, But how are the godly comforted (as LvtaarMu here) at their death,when after their death they are thustormen- ted ? and where they thus labour in Purgatory, how can they bee fayde to refl from their labours ? Did the theefe that went toParadife gee to Purgatory: Lull. t 3.43 .or did Saint Ptuul,who defired to bee withChrifl, delire to bee with him in Purgatoryi Philipe 1.2 3. Indeede to be withChriti (as the Apofdle there faea- keth) is heft ofall. And though it'benot pofàible, as one fayth, eytherto finde Chrift in hell, or to mitfe him in heauen ; yet a Chriflian lbould bee ofthe mind to delire rather to bee inhell withChrifl, then in heauen without him But fhall wee thinke that the Apofllewas ignoraunt where Ch ill was, whenhe fo earnetfily delired his diffà; Iution tobe with him? And ifbee knew, as no doubt but hce did, that bee was in heauen : then there is as little dotibt, but his defrewas, at his death, to bee in heauen With' him: Ifit be faid,thàt the cafe ofthere two was extraardina- rie, as being the cafe oftwo Martyres,who- thereforepre/ .fentlywent toheauen : It may be anfwerecl for the theefe, that