Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRich rnem,andLazarus. St what will If wce Ihould Ileac afadden crieoffire, fire, how would it trouble-vs ? but Gods word, and Gods Mi, nrflers,that preachhis word, fpeake ofan eternal' fire that fillburneth , and bath euer burnt from the beginningof time,ordainedbefore tirrewas; euen fireand much wood, a lake offire, and pit of burning fire : and fhouidnot this trouble euerybonein our body ? Or,iffirecome, will we beas Rubble for it? I know that my fpeech of this is not plcafing:alas then, what pleafure can it be to fèele it ? I fpeake not topleafe your Bares ; I fpeake to fane your foules. Andwhether I. fpeake or holdmy peace, the fireburner flat. As fathers threaten theiryong childrenwith the fire, fo we doe youwith hell fire 3 notto call y on in, but to make you to runne further from it : and the meditation cannot but be prcfitable,andeuen breakethe none inyc ur heatts. WhenBalcazar [awe the hand that zrrote, it troubled him out ofmeafure, Dan.5.5.6, And if we would often cOm- mon with our hearts by the wordofthefe things ;it could noleifetrouble vs toheareof them, then it troubled that great Monarch to fee the writingon the wall. Befides,the feareof thefe, wouldmake vs feare to finne, according to that ; tremble andflamenot, Pfal.4.4: Andhe that fo feareth hell , fha!l efcape it ; as he that neitherfearesfo, nor at all, !hall be lure to fall into it. For(asone faith truly) none is fo °,deepe in thefe torments , as hewho leal} thought of them. But we put this euill day farrefromvs ; and thatmakes vs to fit onour feats of firne,as wedoe,Am.6,3.Wereade not theword, or, what we reade there , webeteeuenot and therefore we runne into excelle , as if therewereno hell. All the account that forne make ofhell is, that they shall earl fire brands there ; but fuch are fire-brands there- of: and to fuch it maybe faid, as men vfe to fay,when they hauewell fupped inan Inne;thattheworfi difh is behind: that is,the reckening,and that that mull payfor all, Then will follow ; Some rernernbr thou haft had thy pleafures, M Luk,