Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

g vfthe Richrsmmn,andLa sruc. 11,13 .beingnot painted coal yes, but [hakes ; foule with out,and foul: within. Secondly, they mul needes be farre from God,that is, from his ffluation ; to whonhe will fay (as he cloth to all Wicked fanners) dhp rt,Math_7. z 3.& z 5,41.Pf4l.6,8. Thirdly, they are thehaters ofGod : and fiic'h (hall not core e in hisprefence,nor neerehi.os,íal. t .5.& 6 . I . Fourthly, Mies might not f a.ad wanholyground tillhee had put off his fh)oes : Ex)d, 3.5 : howmuch letie may the wicked (landvpon hezuens ground,hauing not putoffthe foule fho3es of their filthy finnes f Vfe: An iníIruftion togoe farre fromwickednes, if we will come nere to God: & to turne to theLord by repentance, ifwe wouldnot haue theLord, by our inlptnitencie, to turne fromvs. And whetherjhall gop, ifwe ; ocfrom him ? He hath ties voirds,andwith him is the well Afet>rnall life, Ioh, 6, 68. Inhis prefence isthe frtlnes ofi,oy, PCzI.1I. r r, and fulneiff ofall miferiesinour abfenccfrom -him. With him i> lightvvith. out him we abide in darknes for euer. And now fhauld. nor this enforce vs to loue his p :fence in the atT-embly, and hisfamiliarprefence in heaven ?no.v to (:eke him in his word , that heereafter wee may find him. in his Ki;}gdorne : now: to haue him, that we may haue him euer ? and now to liue to hisglory,that after death he may drawevs tohimfelfe,and thew, e vs his gory? i3utfarre from. himhere, farther from him in hell. They that will not know. himhere, (hall n3knowhill, nor be knower of him there. And they that will not feehim ncerein Chrifl, 'hall (out of Chrid) fee (as this rich man taws) aFarre off. So much for that which this richThan faw ;. what hee faid,followeth., Verte 14, And hecriedandfaid,father .16rahans. What this rich man fpake and to whom is next to be confidered. Wherein wehaiehis fpeech,in this verte : and the replye vnto ir,in the twonext. In