Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

The Living Temple. Part II. CHAP. III. The Reafon of what next follows, Dire6lions to Readers not wont to enquire into the Grounds of their Religion. A Summary and plainer Propofal unto fuch of what loath been fail in the former part, concerning God's Exiftence andConverfablenefs with Men. The Reafonable- nefs (fo much being already e tiinced) of alledging, and re- lying upon the Teftimony of the Holy Scriptures: The Ex- prefnefs of that reftimony con- cerning the Unity of the God- head, the Trinity therein. The abfolute perfection of the Di- vine Nature. the infinitenefs of God's Knowledge, Power, oodnefs, and Prefence. Hip rrQE