Part IL The Living Temple. 79 (2.) You may next proceed thus, That, fomething or other bath been of itf fell: That is, without depending upon any thing elfe, or being behol- den to any other thing for its Be- Now herepaufe a while, and con- fider what is faid to make this plain to you. Either you muff acknowledge, fomething bath ever been ofit felf, or you mutt fay, that all things that are, or ever havebeen, werefrom another, without any exception. But mark now, if you fay, that all things that are, or ever have been, without ex- cepting any, werefrom another, you contradift your felf. For betides, all things that are, or ever have been, without excepting any ; there is not another, fromwhom they could be. Therefore it is impoffible that all things, without exception, Mould. have been from another, whence then it is plain, that fomethingmuff have been of it felf, without de- pending for its Being, upon any thing elfe. For it will come to the fame Contradiction, if you fay, all things depend uponforge other. Since there C.