Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. to 3 or# Spiritual Nature ; and . by hi own Infpiration, given him that un- derlianding that the mind begotten cor- :efponds by its molt Natural Frame, and Conftitution, to the mind that begot, the iffis varQixd, ( as it was an- Hieroc. cientiy. called ) his own Eternal Mind. And that, if its own Original be remembred, it turns it fell towards him, feeks his Acquaintance, by an infin&t he bath himleif implanted in it; And cannot rill' 'till líé hàvé inch a Temple .erefed in it, where- in both he, and it, may cohabit to- gether. By all this, hi. Aptnefs to that converfe with Men, which is impor- ted in the Notion of a l emple, loth fo far appear, that, at Ieatt, it is evi- dent fuch Converfe cannot fail to .en- due, fuppofing that there were no- thing irr_. the way; . that 'might-be -a, prerent Oljiruclion thereto. And will more appear, when we have conr fidered, fince there is fomewhat that vijtrzidh this Converfe ; What he bath H 4 done