i o6 The Living Temple. Part If. upon Forfa1en. And 711og1 Jultly UT fo far it is, that there fhould want probability, of a very in- ward Commerce between God, and Man ; that we have reafon to think it ratherfrange, confidering his Nature, and our own, it fhould not have been continual ; and that his unbounded, andfelf-communicative fulnefr, was not by him always afforded, and always imbjb'd and drawn in by fo capable and indigent a Creature. One would won- der what fhould have dilcontinued this Intercourfe l What can be fo apt to give, and flow out as Fulnef ? What fhould be fo apt to receive, and take in, as Want and Emptinefs? Such a Com- merce then as can be fuppofed between Pouts one* , that is rich andfull, and them that And Pe- are poor and nece atous, one would think fhould have never faild. So, a fabulous Dream may be fìgnîtcant_ and not uninftructive, touching the Reafon and Way of Commerce between God and Creature. Plat. We are, therefore, put upon a new . ympof. Enquiry, and need no longer fpend our felves in anxious Thoughts, Can there be