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Part IL The Living 'Temple. 107 he any C'onverf> between God and Men ? That we may rather fay, Flow can it not be ? Or, How ffrange is it there is not more ! That he teach not a ?ern* in every humane Bnajt, replenifllt with his vital Pretence ! That there are nothing but Ruins, and Defolation, to be found, where one would expec` a Fabrick worthy of God, and an in- dwelling Deity! This mull therefore, be the fad Subjea of our Thoughts a while, what bath render'd the blefd God fo much a Stranger on Earth, and occafioned him, in fo great part, . to forfake his terrefirial Droelling.Whence we (hall have the Advantage.(feeing how jufl caufe there was, on his part, for this dep!o able diflance) to adore the Grace thac returns him to us; and inclined him to take that ffrange Courfe, which we find he, did, to repair his forlorn Temple, and fill this :defólate, forfaken World with the joyful found of tholeglad Tydings, The Tabernacle of God is withMen. II. We