Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living .-? entple. but that he is become otheriàife, by his own man}a Inventions, ','That, by .try- ing Concluliions, to better a State ,a,l ready truly* ' Good, 1 :-brought himL felf into this woful plight ; and by aimingat;famewhat abo'ze funk fo far beneath himfelf; into that Gulf of Itt- purity, and Mifery oal at -is now be- come to him as his: vat./ Element, an* Natural State. Yea, and the Matter halth that evi- dence, that even many of themwho for oughtve know, never converted with thole facred Records, have no lets clearly difcóvered their..°S8nfe of the prefcnt evil State of Man, than their ignorance of the Original`of that Evil, tho' fome of them carefully acquitting TyD1j' God of it. We find their Complaints, of theL5o malignity of Ignorance, ftrrounding all conT The fo the Earth, ' and that corrupts the Soul teal 1Llerc. oust up in the Body. That as a Garment, 7yrifrteg. and Web, enwraps the Minds of Men, C. 7. Se- that the y cdnnot look to hi i' whole plea- .114- fire it is to be and who is not to terpret. be heardwith Farr, nor flea with Eyes, n 7, 4. die- or exprefd by Words. That 'till its beKí. a s ku rent inpieces, the- have upon them ?ns tiGds bond of Corruption; the dai foverture, ;,, r t