Part I The L,i°v 7 Temple. 12 t dition came tof'iame , al-; mine with it ; having lost the lovelièjt of their most precious things. Agreeably whereto,ahcthe difcour- fing ofthe Nature and Original of Evils places it in our being piaar d, and fink into Matter, and C.ot°pore ty : And Coth meriting upon a noted Paifage óf his Dialler, Virz. That our ecovery nruf be In Thee by afpeedyflight to God, &c. lays, that tet. this flight is not to departfrom the Earth, óv Ta but that we become even, while zee are on ?,51'' à7' Earth, Righteous, and Holy, and Wire. &c: Plot. Therefore, alto, have we, with this Enne. à. fort ofMen, fo frequent Difcoúrfes of the purgative l'crtstes, which fuppófe a Maria. Lapfe intogreat Imp.writies yet not fo I roc:. in!parable from our Natures, but that by Divine Help (which they a/fo, formalizes, f eak o f as niceffary) a Cure and Redrejr may be wrought. Nor, if we confider, can it be fo VII, much as imaginable to us, that the pre- lent State ofN4an, is his primitive State, or that he is now fuch, as he was at firfl made. For neither is it conceiva- ble, the bleed God fhould have made a Creature, with an Averfion to the only-important Ends, whereof it is naturally