1 2 4. The Living Temple. Part II. lemnity, and weighty Sanctions, to en- aEt Statutes for brute Creatures ! And wherein were it more to purpose to prefcribe unto Men, ftrid Rules of Pi- ty, and Verfue, than to BeausoeTrees if the former had not been capable of obferving them as the Iatter were not ? We inlift not on the Written Precepts in the Sacred Volume (where we have alfo the HifloryofMan's Creation, and Fall.) But let the Law be confidered, which is written in Liens Hearts ; The vóv, c3- Aruury'Ks,the 7,42-15 'ivv pa, or the lex L7 nata (in the Ethnick Language) which v34à. the eternal Lawgiving Mindhath created am.,03e7ú irr our Souls. And how evidently Both Tai's 1". that Law convince, that we neither are, .14s. Hie rani. p 19. nor do what wejhould ? Howgrofs and Ec 210. numerous Deformities do we daily be- hold, by that thatter'd and broken Clafs ? How many things which we difapprove, or certainly would, if we difcuft the matter with our fel ves ? How frequent Bufi'etings are many, when they refie&, conftrain'd to fuffer at their own Hands ! Even wherein, (not having another Law) they are only =a` Law to themfelves ? And have only RoIn 2. their ownThoughts, either their Ex- c,lJt'rs,