Part II. The Living Temple. z 2 7 'Tis true indeed, that by this his Re volt, he became indifpos'd to all other Converfe, whichbelong'd to him as a Creature Intelligent and Vertuous, but chiefly to Divine. The Blefí'ed God being the chief Term of this Defeaion and Revolt. For Man, byhis Original Rectitude, was principally determin'd towards God 5 and by the fame due Bent and Frame of Spirit by which he ftood rightly poftur'd towards him, he was in a right Difpofition to every thing, befides, wherewith he had any Concern. And adhering to him as his Centre andprime Objeh, he kept his dite Order towards all other things: Whence by forcing and relaxing the Bonds, that held him united to God, and by changing his Pofture towards him, he came to Band right no way. Turning to him the Back, and not the Face, all things are inverted to him. He is now become moll direly oppo- fite to God, and unduly difpos'd to- wardsother things only by means of that Oppofition. As then he is unfit for every other good Life, fo mot of all for that of aTemple. And that up- on both the above tnention'd Accounts