Prefdce. lead on, the numerous Throng, and pleafureenough to fee them they had fo throughly difciplin'd to the Service, throw Dirt and Squibs at the faired Pile, theDwelling of God among Men on Earth, and cry down with it even to the Ground. Nor for this fort of Men, Whofe Bufinefs was only to be done by noife and clamour, or by jell and Laughter; we could think them no more fit to be difcours'd with than a Whirlwind, of an ignis fatuusa But for fuch as have affum'd to thenifelves the Confidence to pretend to Reafon, it was not fit they fhould have caufe to think them- felvss negle&ed. Confidering, therefore, that if the Exiience ofa Deity were fully prov'd . (i. e. fuch as muft be the fit Objea of Religion, or of the Honour ofa Temple) all the little Cavils agairiiff it muft fig- nifynothing, (becaufe the fame thing cannot be both true and falfe) we have in the former Part of this Diftourfe, en- dcavouur'd tri affert fo much in an Arm ementative way.