40 The Living Temple. Part If. worft and molt horrid kind, for every 14 is a Thief, and every Theft, Sa- crilege : Continual Rapine, and Rob- bery, is committed upon Holy Things. The Noble Powers which were de- figtrd and dedicated to Divine Con- templation, and Delight, are alienated to the Service of the molt defpicable I- dols, and employ'd untovileft intuiti- ons, and Embraces; to behold and admire lying Inanities; to indulge and cherifh Luft and Wickednefs. What, have not theEnemiesdone wickedly in the Saniti ary ! .How have they broken down the carved Work thereof, and that too frithAxes and Hammers: The Noife whereof was not to be heard in build- ing, much lefs in the demolifhing this facred Frame. Look upon the Frag- ments of that.curious Sculpture which once adorn'd the Palace of that great Fling : The Reliques ofCommon 1®,oti- ons;the lively Printsoffame undefac'd Truth ; the fair Ida'as of things ; the yet legible Precepts that relate to Pra- 6tife. Behold ! with what Accuracy the broken pieces thew thefe to have been engraven by the Finger of God, and how they now lie torn, and feat- ofd, one in this dark Corner, ano- fter,