Part II. The Living Temple. 143 Dirt. He that invites you to take a view of the Soul of 1vlan, gives you but fuck another profpeet, and doth but fay toyou, BEHOLD THE DE- SOLATION, all things rude andwaft. So that (hould therebe anyPretence to the Divine Prefence, it might be faid, If God be here, why is 'it thus ? The faded Glory, the Darknefs, the Dif- order, the Impurity, thedecay'd Rate in all refpeas of this Temple, too plainly (hew the great Inhabitant is gone. 2. And what was fo manife.i a Sign XL ofGod's Abfence, was alfo a moor righ- teosar Caufi. For who have committed thefe great Wafts, and made this Tern- pleinhabitable, but Men themfelves ? And what could be more injurious to the Holy God, than to invade, and profane his Temple ? Or for what could we fuppofe him to [hew more Jealoufy and Concern ? Who ever were a God, one would expect he fhould plead for himfelf, when Men have call down his. Altar. No words can exprefs the greatnefs of the Indignity : For do but take the following State of the Cafes thus. Man