Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

148 The Listing Te,,,ple. Fart And hereof an Eftimate may be made, from his nnaptnefs to felf-reflecli- on(;Which how notorious is it ! what (loth he not rather choofe to do with his Thoughts, than turn them inward? And how unfit is he for Divine Con- verfe, that cannot endure his own; or toaffociate with God, that is become too foul a Creature, to have any fatis- fying Converfewith himfelf ! Nowwhat could be expoCied to in- fue upon all this, but that he fhould be forfaken of God ? That the bleffed Pretence be withdrawn that had been fo defpightfully flighted, to return no more. No more, 'till at leaft a Recompence fhould be made him, for the Wrong done, and a Capacity be recovered, for his future Converfe : Viz,. 'Till both his Honour íhould be repaired, and his Temple. 'Till he might again Honourably return ; and be fitly re- ceived. But