Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

A Preface. And thereforefir.Fi laid down fuch Notion ofGod, as even Atheifs them- felves, while they deny him to exitt, cannotbut grant to be the true Notion of the thing they deny, viz. Summa- rily, that he can be no other than a Be- ing abfolrttely perfel. And thereupon 'next proceeded to evince the Exiftence of fuch a Being. And whereas this might have, been attempted in another Method, as was noted Part à. Ch. t. by concluding the Exifience of inch a Being frr.fl from the Idea ofit, which (as a Fundamental Perfeiion) involves ExiHence ; yea,and NeceJJty ofExifience, moll apparently in it. Becaufe that was clamour'd at as Sophiftical and Captious (tho' very firm unfliding Steps might, withCau- t A.s by tion, be taken in that way f) yet we the excel-rather chofe the other as plainer, more lent Dr.0 on, the mare more eafl ntelli i Crdorth, P f , y gi- in his In-ble and conviEtive, and lets liable to elleaZi Exception in any kind ; i. e. rather we find, begin at the bottom, and. arif from is done.' NeceJty of Exifience, to abfolute ! er- feCtion, than to begin at the top, and . prove downward, from abfolute Per- fection,. Neceff ty.ofFrienceo- Now