Part II. The Living Temple. 53 H. Spirit, on the account of this Sacrifice. That when God is, for the fa,e of it, willing, we might no longer remain un- willing. That cJnwillingnefs to be overcome by the rower and Spirit of Emmanuel as here- after to be more fully (hewn. But working (fuitably to an in- telligent 5ubjeci) in a Rational way. To which 'a Great Acco- modatenefs in the Conflitution of Emmanuel. As demonftrating Divine Love, and Holinefs. in its Lovelinefs. PPoffibility of Being attained. AND indeed, what was to be de: fign'd and done, did every way call for fo great an Undertaker. The Indignity ofer'd to the Maje- fly of the moll High God, in his fo ignominious Pxpulfron 10,4