Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. 53 H. Spirit, on the account of this Sacrifice. That when God is, for the fa,e of it, willing, we might no longer remain un- willing. That cJnwillingnefs to be overcome by the rower and Spirit of Emmanuel as here- after to be more fully (hewn. But working (fuitably to an in- telligent 5ubjeci) in a Rational way. To which 'a Great Acco- modatenefs in the Conflitution of Emmanuel. As demonftrating Divine Love, and Holinefs. in its Lovelinefs. PPoffibility of Being attained. AND indeed, what was to be de: fign'd and done, did every way call for fo great an Undertaker. The Indignity ofer'd to the Maje- fly of the moll High God, in his fo ignominious Pxpulfron 10,4