Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

5 q. The Living Temple. Part II. from his own 7emple, was to be reconzpens'd. And the Ruin muss be repaired which had befallen his Temple itfelf. In reference to both thefe Perform- ances, it was determined, Emmanuel, i. e. his own Son, his fubitantial I- wage, the'brightnefs of his Glory, the Eternal Word, fhould become .Incar- nàte, and being fo fhould undertake feveral Parts, and in difinet Capaci- ties, and be at once a Tingle Temple himfelf, and that this Temple fhould be allo a Sacrifice, and thereby give rife to a manifold Temple, conformed to that Original One, of eachwhereof, in the vertue of that Sacrifice, he was himfelf to be the glorious Patern, the firm Foundation, the magnificent Foun- der, and the wog curious Archite 1, and Former, by his own various and molt peculiar Influence. This bath been the Refult of the Divine Counfel, and the Lord's own doing, mofljufllymarvellous in our Eyes, viz. ( which we are next to confider) iI.Tf,e