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Part II. The Living Temple. t 5 7 only into meer external Obfervances, and empty (tho' fornewhat different) Formalities, that might well enough a- gree with a Senfual Life, tranfa&ed in habitual Eflrangement fromGod, and as without him in the World ; fo as not on- ly not to anfwer the true Intent and tife of a 7 emple, but tofruflrate and elude it. When this was the State of things M. with this. World, and the fulnefs oftime was now come, wherein God intended, with more vigour and efficacy, to renew and reinforce his Mighty and Merciful Work of letting up his Temple, and to make it rife in Splendor and Glory in the World ; he, at length, fends down his Son : He puts on Man ; becomes, Emmanuel; an Incarnate God among Men ; and a Man inhabited by all the Fulnefs of God. This Man was, therefore a mofl Perfec;1 TEMPLE; the Original One : i. e. Not only a fn- gle One himfelf, but an Exemplary Tem- ple, to which all other were to be con- formed; the Advantage whereof, to the forming of more, we (hall fee here- after ' Whereby, he was alto a Virtual av, Loin which, Life and Influence was