Part II. The Living Temple. 159 Behold then ! the wonderful Con- junItion of both in theone _Emmanuel! Who was, by his very Conftitution, an aîfual Temple : God with us : The Habitation of the Deity returned, and refettling it felf with Men : Andfitted tobe (what it muft be alfo) a molt ac- ceptable Sacrifice. For here was met together Man, that could Die, and God, that could overcome Death. Man, that might Suffer, andGod, that couldgive fufficient value to thofe Sufferings fufficient toatone the offendedMa'elty, and procure that Life might be diffufed and fpread it felf to all that fhould u- nite with him ; whereby they might become living Stones, joyned to that living Corner Stone, a Spiritual Temple, again capable of that Divine Prefnce, which they had forfeited, and where- of they were £orfaken. That all this may be the better un- derftood, we thall endeavour to fhow, more diftinUly : L The Sufficiency and Aptnefs of the ConJIItution and Appoint- ment of Emmanuel; (confi- dering what he was, and what was undertaken to -be fuffer'd, and.