Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

60 The Living Temple. Part IY. and performed by him) as the ineproper and adequate means for the refYoring of God's Temple with M. IÍ. The Nece,Tty of this Courf,, for tVs En.d. . And for the firmer, the Aptnefs and Sufficiency of this Courfe, or what the letting up of Emmani e1 might do for this purpofe, may be feen in the Suitablenefs hereof to theforegoing ft ate ofthe Cafe, and by comparing there, with what he is, and bat,S done, and filtered in order hereto, We have feen that the former defo-, late State of this Temple, was ocea& on'd, and inferred, by Max's Apofacy whereby he became uncapsb1e of fer- ving, any longer, thepurpofs ofa Tem- ple, and God's Departure thereupon, There was therefore the Concurrence of fomewhat on Alan's part, and force what on God's, unto this Defolation. On Man's, what was unjuSI, leading, and Caufal: On God's, What was mofc jut, confegnent, and caufed thereby. Man's unrighteous, and ill-de rving f verfion from God : Atld God's roof