Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. 16 i righteous, and deferved Averfion, here- upon, from hint. The one caufed by theother, but both caufng, in different kinds; the vacancy, and deferted State ofthisTemple which enfued Thefor- seer, asa finning Caufe ; the latter, as a punifhing. Now what we have confiderable in the Emmanuel, towards the Reftaura tionof this Temple, and that it might become, again, habitable, and reple -; ni{ht by the DivinePrefence, as before ve is anfwerable to this State of the Cafe And direEtly tending to compofe things between the difanced Parties, bothon the one part, and the other. And (becaufe God was to have the, firs and leading part, in Reconciliati- ons, as Man hath in difagreements) we have enough in him, whereupon God might exprefs himfelf willing to rebuild, and return to, his former dwel- ling ; andMan be willing to render it back to him, and admit the operation of thefafbioning Hand, whereby it is to heprepared and refitted for its proper M IV- a . The