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Part II. The Living Temple. 167 But now, Chrifl bath redeem'd us VT. from the Curfe of the Law, being made a Curf for us : For it is written, CurfedGal. 3. is every one that hangeth on a Tree ; that the Blejng of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, [that we might receive the Promife of the Spirit through Faith.] He was made a Curfe for us, not the fame in kind which we had incurred fwhich it were horrid to think) but uch as his State could admit, and ours could require. For that a Perfon, fo immutably pure and holy, fhould become an impure thing, was what his State could not ad- mit, and that One, of fohigh Dignity, fhouldwillingly fuffer to that degree, whichhe did for us, was a thing of fo great Merit andValue, as to anfwer the uttermoft ofour Ill- Defervings ; than which theExigency of our Cafe could not, in that refpe&, call for more. And the End, or Defign, of his be- coming, to that degree, a Curfe for us, being exprelly faid tobe this, that we might receive the Promife of the Spirit (or the promifed Spirit) implies, that the Cure upon us, had intercepted, and cat offfrom u3; all Influences of that M 4 holy