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Part II. The LivingTemple. 169 But whereas it hath been deligned in all this Difcourfe, to reprefent the Conftítution of Emmanuel ; being firft made a Perfonal Temple, then a Sacrifice, as an apt, andfit Means to multiply this oneT mple into many, and bring it about, that upon Juft and Honourable Terms God might again return to in- habit the Souls of Men : It may, per- haps, be alledg'd, by fome, that it feems an. thing, God thouldappoint his own Innocent Son to be punifh'd for the Sins ofOffending Creatures, and let them efcape. And then how could an unju.í`l Aa make for theHonour ofhis juflice, orthat which was, in it felf, unfit, be afit means to any Good End ? The loud Clamourswherewith fome later Contenders have fill'd theChrian World upon this Subject, make it fit to fay fomewhat of it ; and the thing it felfneeds not that we fay much. We do know, that the Innocent Son of God was Crucify'd 5 we know it was by God's determinate Counfel ; we know it was for the Sins of Men ; (which the Adverfaries, in a laxer and letsfzgni(cant Senfe, deny not, tho' it putt, by no means, be underftood, fay they