Part II. The Living Temple. 17 1 flic`.t ,¢n innocent Perfon, but not to pu- nifh him ; when the Punifhment bath nomore in it of real Evil to him that fuffers it, than the (admitted) Afflic&i- on. And when they fay, The veryNoti on of Punifhment carries in it an ef, fential ccpe& to that Perfonal Guilt of him that bears it, implies that in the prefent cafe, Punifbment, bath no place, not becaufe it is unjult, but becaufe it is impofJìble. In the mean time, how vain and ludicrous is that Pretence that all the real Evil, which God determi- ned fhould befal his Son, he fhould let come upon him, with acknowledg- ed Juffice, but that the Injufiice muff lie only in a Notion. i. e. If he look upon it as a Punifhment ! Yet alfo the Punithing ofone for another's Offence is forbidden to Men, as themfelves al- ledge from Deut. 24. 16. (as it is not ftrange God fhould difallow Men that Dominion over one another, which he may claim to himfelf, and which he is in no fuch poffibility to abufe as . they) which therefore [hews their No- tion ofPunifhment is falfe, by which they would make it impoffible for one Man to be punillied for another's Faults