i72 The Living Temple. Part Il. DeSati5f Faults (as the Learned Grotius accutely argues) inafmuch as it were abfurd to forbid a thing that is impoíiible. And that God himfelf doth often punifh theSins offorce upon others, is evident enough from many places of H. Scripture. The 2d. Commandment, Exod. 20. 5. I the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, vifting theSins of the Fa. thers upon the Children, &C. 2 Sam. 24. 15, tic. Y King. 14. Lam. 5.7. Whereas, therefore, they are wont in the contrary to alledge that of Eu zek. 18. repall no more ufe this Proverb, the Fathers have eaten the four Grapes, and the Children! Teeth arefit on Edge, v. 2, 3. and 19, 20. &c. 'Tis plain, in that 'tis Paid, re 'hall no more, &c. That the bleffed God fpeaks here of what, in merci d Indulgence, he, for the future, would not do, not of what i n /lria Mice, he might not : For can it be fuppos'd he owns himCelf, to have dealt unjuítly with them be fore? 'Tis evidently, therefore, neither impojjible, nor unjuft, to punifh one, for ano fer's ()fence; and the Matter only feems harílh, to fuch as have fx:1pen to themfelves the Noti®n of PuY