Part II. The Living Temple. 173 nifhment, and make it only correfpond to the Appetite of Private Revenge. Whereas it only anfwers toa jut .Will ofvindicating the Rights and Honour of Government ; which may, molt fitly, be done, upon another than the Of- fender, not at random, or inan undi- ftinguifhingpromifcuous hurry, but up- on the twoSuppofitions mention'd by the above-recited Author. If there be a near ConjunFlion between the Per- fonpunifht, with the Perfon ofending. 2. If there be a confent, and voluntary Sufception of the : former on be- half of, the other. And we add as a s. Efpecìally if there be thereup- on a legal Subflitution, the Supream Ruler upon that Confent, alfo agree- ing, providing, by afpecial Lawmade in the Cafe, for fuch transferring of the Guilt and Punithment. All which have fo eminently concurr'd in the pre- fent Cafe, that it can proceed from no- thing but a difpoftion to cavil, further to inItf and contend about it. And we know that {Lich Tranflations have among Men, not only been e- fleem'd jufl, but laudable : As in the known Story ofZaleucus, who having ord.iin'd, That adultery among his Lo-